Niche store in Risør with a focus on sustainable quality products. We carry one of the country's largest selection of Birkenstocks. Smart products for leisure and outdoor activities. Everything from swimsuits, sandals and boots to interiors and wellness.
Niche store in Risør with a focus on sustainable quality products. We carry one of the country's largest selection of Birkenstocks. Smart products for leisure and outdoor activities. Everything from swimsuits, sandals and boots to interiors and wellness.
Local food for us is of course what the sea has to offer. Thanks to local fishermen and Risør's Fish Reception, which helps us to source the freshest and best ingredients, our chefs have the best starting point for our guests. From the restaurant, we particularly recommend the "Stangholmen Bouillabaisse" with fruits of the sea served in an iron pot with baguettes and garlic butter. We also recommend our cured salmon "Stangholmens spekelaks" served with boiled potatoes.
Local food for us is of course what the sea has to offer. Thanks to local fishermen and Risør's Fish Reception, which helps us to source the freshest and best ingredients, our chefs have the best starting point for our guests. From the restaurant, we particularly recommend the "Stangholmen Bouillabaisse" with fruits of the sea served in an iron pot with baguettes and garlic butter. We also recommend our cured salmon "Stangholmens spekelaks" served with boiled potatoes.